Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I give to you a conversation about a pet pig in eleventy-one words...

The two older women ate their breakfast in a café overlooking Alki beach.

‘My sister bought a pig.’

‘A pig?’

‘Yes, a pot-bellied pig.’


‘I think she’s going to eat it.’

‘She bought a pig to eat it?’

‘That’s what she did with the rabbits.’

‘She had rabbits?’

‘Yeah, she raised them and ate them.’

‘How did she kill them?’

‘She brought them to a butcher, I think.’

‘That’s strange.’

‘I know… She has a dog and a parrot too.’

‘So she has a pig, a dog, and a parrot?’


‘Is she going to eat the dog and parrot too?’

‘I don’t think so. Gee, I sure hope not.’

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

She saw the aggressive driver tailgating. When the tailgatee moved, he accelerated towards the exit. But she switched lanes, forcing him to slow considerably. She smiled, convinced that she had exacted justice.

As they exited, he swerved into the left lane, while she remained in the right. They were adjacent when they came to the merge. She signaled and inched in front of him, expecting that he would yield. He didn’t. The cars collided causing his mirror to break. She hit the gas. ‘Stop!’ he yelled. She drove through the next light, leaving him far behind. She took a series of turns. He hadn’t followed. She sighed, relieved at her escape.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I give to you a true story in eleventy-one words...

I sat, writing in Washington Square Park.  A young black woman with bright red hair and unfocused eyes sat beside me.

‘Hi,’ she said.


‘Do you want sangria?’

‘No thanks’

She took a swig. ‘A cigarette?’


‘Is that your diary?’

‘Of sorts’

‘Do you have a girlfriend?’


‘Why not? You’re attractive, smart, ambitious.’

‘I’m not looking.’

She paused, glanced around conspiratorially, and half-whispered ‘Do you want to have some fun?’

‘No thank you.’

I packed my bag and stood.

‘Aww, where are you going?’

I thought it best not to say, far away from you. ‘I have to be somewhere. Have a good day.’

‘Okay, well bye then.’

The Talent

I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

I discovered the ‘talent’ when I was young.

My parents booked a cabin in New Hampshire for our vacation. One day, my father and I walked down the main road until we came to a path. Being the semi-adventurous sort, we entered. Soon we found a small cemetery plot full of worn gravestones. I moved to clean one off. When I did, I saw a life flash before my eyes. But it wasn’t my own. It was the life of him buried beneath the stone. What struck me was this hadn’t happened when I had touched other gravestones.  

I later learned it only occurs with those whose lives have been forgotten.