Sunday, September 7, 2014


I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

The puppet stared at her.

‘You need me more than I need you,’ she spat.

She swore the puppet smirked.

‘A sweet lovable koala? I know differently.’

The puppet fell back, seemingly exasperated.

She sat him up. ‘See, you have a terrible attitude.’

The smirk remained.

‘Maybe I’ll toss you into the trash. Or, better yet, into an incinerator. How about that?’

The koala fell forward, she thought, to hide its laughter.

She righted him again. ‘I know. I will destroy your reputation instead.’

A voice called, ‘Darlene, let’s go. We’re waiting for you.’

‘Coming,’ she answered. She extracted her hand from the puppet, grabbed her jacket, and joined the others.

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