Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Search

I give to you a true story in 2x eleventy-one words...

‘We have fifteen apartments to see today,’ said the broker.

The first was a third floor one-bedroom in SoMa. Sean, our guide, told us there was also one on the sixth. The price and location were right. But the broker reminded me that I had paid for a full day. I considered and conceded.

After the tenth stop the first option was still the best. The broker called Sean. The sixth floor apartment had been rented; the third floor apartment was still available. She asked if they could hold it. They couldn’t. We were in the Mission District during rush hour on a Friday. I had a bad feeling about it.

It took twenty minutes to return. I gave Sean the completed rental application, credit report, and proof of employment information.

He pointed to the offer letter. ‘It isn’t signed.’

‘It’s the front page.’

‘I need a signed copy.’

I rummaged through my phone, found it, showed it. ‘I signed.’

‘They didn’t.’ He paused.  ‘We’ll also take your last two paystubs.’

I printed the paystubs, handed them to him. But I was too late. A couple had secured the apartment just minutes before. I slumped, disappointed.

Sean excused himself. He returned moments later and said, ‘the guy’s credit fell through on the sixth floor apartment. Would you like it?’

Hello San Francisco!

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