Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Right or Left

I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

They hit traffic on Varick as they waited to get into the Holland Tunnel.

“What am I doing?” Darren blurted.

“Driving? Well, no, sitting in traffic,” Chris quipped.

Darren ignored him. “Is this the dumbest thing I’ve ever done?”

“Nope, you’ve done dumber.”

Darren side-eyed him before continuing. “Am I making a big mistake?”

“Of course. You’re leaving the best city in the world.” He paused for effect. “And me with it!”

Hairline fractures formed in Darren’s stoic exterior. They sat in strained silence.

“Listen, Tequila,” Chris used the nickname he had given Darren years earlier. “There’s no mistake to make. There’s no right or wrong. There’s only right or left.”

1 comment:

infjbee said...

I'm enjoying the most recent sequence of stories and the relationship between them. This (only slightly) allays my frustration with your word count ___________ (preference, gimmick, obsession, structure, fixation, choice) . I'd like to read the whole thing. I'm curious about the nickname.