Wednesday, April 11, 2012


‘How is the first draft coming?’

‘It’s terrible.’

‘I don’t want to hear that.’

‘It’s the truth.’

Mark recited the Serenity Prayer to himself.

‘You’re running out of time.’

‘That is altogether true.’

‘I’ll fire you if you don’t write it.’

‘Is that a promise?’

‘I’m serious.’

‘Me too.’

Mark paced. Chris stared at the screen.

‘What do you need?’

‘You know what I need.’

‘I can’t locate it.’

‘Then I can’t write this.’

‘For God’s sake, it doesn’t give you special powers!’

‘Have I ever failed to get you what you want?’

‘No,’ Mark sulked

‘Then give it back to me.’

Mark reached into his pocket and clutched the ring.


Sheilagh Lee said...

I think I need more context for this story I didn't understand what he was writing or what the ring was for.Great diaologue though

Di Eats the Elephant said...

Cute! I liked how he had to have his special talisman, like a baseball player and his lucky foot or whatever he wears (lucky hat?). Wonder why he took it from him? Power play, hmmmm?

Angel said...

Always amazes me how superstitious some people really are.