Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Goodbye Grandpa

I give to you a true story in eleventy-one words...

After bologna sandwiches, I’d retrieve the cribbage board, a not so subtle hint to my grandfather. We’d start in silence. A couple hands. Until the conversation began.

One day, I asked where he learned cribbage.

In the Pacific; on the carrier USS Antietam. A catapult operator; he helped launch the aircraft. He’d never seen action; they’d arrived too late. Traveled to Guam, Okinawa, Shanghai; on ‘occupation support duty.’ His captain was Japanese American; they’d have been in Tokyo Harbor for V-J Day were it not for a malfunction. There were no clouds at sea; just blue sea and sky.

He was my last personal link to the Greatest Generation.

Goodbye Grandpa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And how blessed we have been to have him in our lives for so long! Beautiful sentiment. MOM