Monday, December 9, 2019


I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

Doug slid weights onto each side of the barbell, then sat to start his second set.

A silver-haired woman lurked nearby, eager to speak. She inched toward him; her eyes searched Doug’s for acknowledgment.

Startled, Doug removed his headphones in wary anticipation.

“Will you put these weights away?” The rebuke smoldered behind her poorly masked curiosity.

Eyebrows furrowed, he drawled, “Sure.” His intonation rose at the word’s conclusion as if he, himself, wasn’t convinced.

“Well, people don’t.” She harrumphed and slunk away, though continued to monitor him.

When Doug completed his final set, he felt her probing eyes but didn’t meet them. Instead, he scanned the gym with an amused expression.

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