Sunday, January 31, 2016


I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

A monk - bald, bespectacled, and garbed in black, flowing robes – enters. His face contracts to keep his coke-bottle glasses adrift upon his aquiline nose. He navigates the sea of cross-legged students with remarkably superb agility. His magnified eyes find a small patch in front of me. He executes his dual bows and crackles his body – with his back to me - onto the buckwheat cushion.

His eyes meet mine. Not the ones encased by thick, brown plastic frames, but rather those tattooed on the back of his head. Pale, faded, and droopy, they peer out lazily atop a zig-zagging carrot-shaped beak. I stare. Dismayed. Mesmerized. Until the left eye winks…

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