Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Dried Squid

I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

They sat outside drinking cocktails at a place named, The Pub. It was their first day back in Ho Chi Minh City after adventures across Cambodia and Darren’s 72-hour marriage in Bangkok. The bored bartender invited himself to sit and chat with Chris and Darren.

Soon after, a vendor appeared. Chris, a sucker for weird foods, asked what the vendor was selling. Dried squid; the bartender smirked at Darren’s reaction, then waved the vendor over. The duo gagged at the smell; the bartender laughed. As the vendor returned to his cart, Darren waved and sarcastically declared, “Thank you, come again.” The vendor turned and the bartender paused. Chris shook his head.

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