Thursday, February 6, 2020


I give to you a story in eleventy-one words...

The vendor returned, his eyes smiling at the opportunity to sell the arid cephalopod. Meanwhile, the bartender made room for the acrid remains. Chris glared at Darren, then made a “do something” face.

“Umm, I don’t... I just… No, thanks,” Darren sputtered.

The vendor extended his hand while the amused bartender enjoyed the show.

“Pay him,” Chris blurted.

“I don’t want it.”

“You called him back.”

“It was sarcasm!”

The vendor thrust his hand with an exaggerated grunt.

“Oh my God!” Chris erupted. When he saw that Darren still refused, Chris pulled a few bills and dropped them on the table. The vendor, with the bills in hand, fled the scene.

1 comment:

infjbee said...

Okay, this is funny. I didn't care a lot about the last entry (though I did hear the sarcasm), but it inspired me to wonder what your blog would look like in a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure format. 1. Find out what happens as Chris and Darren drive beyond West Virginian Hills, or 2. Hear more about Darren's 72-hour marriage in Bangkok.